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Small Business Marketing

Gearing up for the HBGS

Meredith Communications is excited about our upcoming Home Builder Growth Summit (HBGS). This event would not be possible without our valued sponsors. In last week’s blog post, we recognized our Presenting Partner Sponsors.  This week we want to highlight our...

Builder Growth Virtual Summit

Meredith Communications is excited to announce the upcoming virtual summit, The Builder Growth Summit on November 10th. This is the first and only virtual homebuilding industry event this year where you will learn how to GROW your business, GROW your...

FANtastic Marketing Example—GoDaddy

You probably remember the GoDaddy marketing campaign of years past. You know the ones: They featured attractive women including Natalia Velez, Rachelle Wood, and Michelle Hayden in skimpy outfits parading around the GoDaddy logo. It doesn’t take a marketing genius...

B.O.L.D. Series—L is For Love It or List It

We’re up to blog #4 in this series! Missed the first three? You can catch up using the links below: Be B.O.L.D.: Sales & Marketing in Uncertain Times B is For Breaking Barriers O is For Overcoming Obstacles Once you...

Be B.O.L.D.: Sales & Marketing in Uncertain Times

Putting your expertise out there in uncertain times can feel scary. Which is why you also likely know that it’s the best thing for your business! Being bold with your marketing in uncertain times is one of the best ways...

Doing Things Differently in Times of Crisis

Are you a planner? Is the “not knowing” of how things will play out with your business causing you real strife? You’re not alone! Times of crisis can be really scary for businesses—owners and employees alike. That’s because the more...

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Unlock the Future of New Home Sales & Marketing with Meredith Oliver at IBS 2025

As the 2025 International Builders’ Show (IBS) approaches, we are excited to announce that Meredith Oliver, founder and Chief Digital Marketing Strategist of Meredith Communications, will present two insightful educational sessions designed to empower homebuilding industry leaders with innovative sales...

The Modern Marketer PowerPoint Slides

2023 NAHB IBS Webinar PowerPoint_MOliver_ModernMarketer_11-24 copy

The Market According to Meredith: Sept 2024 BTH Recap Part 1

Have you noticed a slowdown in foot traffic? Fewer leads spending time on your website? How about a decrease in overall sales conversions?  Don’t worry. You’re not alone.  According to recent Google Trends, searches for “new homes” and “homes for...

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